Tuesday 9 February 2010

C'mon, follow the blog! New tunes up, news about old tunes etc

Hi everyone! Latest news about songs and so on...

I've been busy working on new tunes and remixing or revamping older ones. 'You Shine' - which was a favourite from a few years ago - is now complete in its new form and we are hoping to release it as a downloadable single. Dave and Jessie Foz have done the cover art and it is ready to go..........but now the release has to be on hold as it is being considered for some interesting and very exciting projects coming up this year. I can't say anything at the moment (!) but news (if any is forthcoming) will be posted here very soon.

Meanwhile I have a new mix of Shizzle up on my own site, and also on Facebook and YouTube, and a new song called 'One Horse Town' which I wrote for my leaving students last year and which has become a kind of Coldplay-esque anthem for anyone thinking of making a change in their life. I'd be interested to know what you think - stop by at www.simonrushby.com for this and all my other tunes.

Oh, and how about some interaction? I'm touched to have nearly 300 'fans' on Facebook, loads of followers on Twitter, stacks more 'fans' on MySpace and hundreds of hits a day on my own site. It's really lovely. So please follow this blog and add comments, about anything I say, or anything at all to do with music. It'd be great. Thank you. Big love :-)

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